• 技术服务 Technical Service

    技术服务 Technical Service

    建立技术服务体系,涵盖技术研发、创新孵化、知识产权、在线技术对接交易平台等内容。 The technical service system includes technology transfer innovation incubation intellectual property,online technology docking&trading platforms along with other services.


  • 金融服务 Financial Service

    金融服务 Financial Service

    建立金融服务体系,包括天使投资、科技贷款等创业金融服务。 Financial service system which includes angel investments science and technology and other entrepreneurial financial services has been established.


  • 市场服务 Marketing Service

    市场服务 Marketing Service

    建立市场服务体系,帮助园区企业资质认定、市场拓展等。 Marketing service system has been established to help enterprises in the park certify their qualifications and expand the market.


  • 公共服务 Public Service

    公共服务 Public Service

    建立公共服务体系,为企业提供法律、财务、人力资源、商务等服务。 Public service for enterprises has been established to provide legal,financial,human resources,business and other services.


  • 政务服务 Government Service

    政务服务 Government Service

    建立政务服务体系,服务企业证照办理、政策兑现等。 The plan has established a government service system to provide enterprises with services for license and certificate application, policy implementation,and other related services.
