发布时间:2023-08-15 15:32:18

  8月14日,以色列驻上海总领事白乐潍(Ravit Baer)一行到访园区,出席以色列青年人才常州行暨“中以青年科创训练营”开营仪式并致辞。

  Consul General of Israel in Shanghai Ravit Baer and her delegation visited the CICP on August 14. They attended Israeli Talents’ Journey in Changzhou & Opening Ceremony of China-Israel Youth S&T Innovation Camp, and delivered a speech.

  下午,总领事一行调研本地重点以色列企业,先后前往爱欧滕、泰迪泰迩、艾利丹尼森参观考察。总领事表示,喜见园区中以科技合作成果与标志性企业,相信双方携手共进,定能开拓更多创新合作平台。 In the afternoon, they visited prominent Israeli enterprises in Changzhou, including IOTen, Taditel, and Avery Dennison. She expressed her pleasure in witnessing the achievements of China-Israeli technological cooperation and landmark enterprises in the CICP. She believed that with collaborative efforts from both sides, more innovative cooperation platforms could be developed.

以色列驻上海总领事馆经济与商务领事海本继、以色列驻上海总领事馆政治经济处主任徐俊杰随同到访,区领导徐俊、园区领导周立平陪同调研。 Ben Haimi, Economic and Commercial Consul, Consulate General of Israel in Shanghai, and and Xu Junjie, Director of Political and Economic Section of the Consulate General, visited the CICP together with Ravit Baer. They were accompanied by Xu Jun, a leader from Wujin District and Zhou Liping, a leader at the CICP.