Niv Hanan:CICP plays the positive role i···
Time of issue:2021-09-02 00:00:00


In an exclusive interview with Xinhua Daily, Niv Hanan, Commercial Counselor of the Israeli Consulate General in Shanghai, expressed appreciation for the perfect facilities and all-round service support of the China-Israel (Changzhou) Innovation Park, and affirmed the park's positive role in promoting China-Israel business exchanges and innovation cooperation.

Following are the interviews:

Xinhua Daily: Can you tell us about your opinion that the highlights the CICP have in terms of China-Israel cooperation?

Niv Hanan

First, thank you for having me here today.

I think this park is really unique in everything that is going on here. First, I think the facilities here are really good. You have your offices and labs and space. It looks really good. You see really in your eyes. I think, for offices. And if you wanna which a company in a great location, this is the location, but Israeli companies are not looking just for the location. They're looking for opportunities, for business opportunities for many ways. What's unique is that it supports the company in everything. If you need to open a company, they will help you. If you need to recruit people, engineers, human resource, they will help you. If you need to help in paying your taxes, they will help you.

So I think what do you look when you enter a complicated market like the Chinese market for Israeli companies? It's it's complicated. This park gives you all the support you need in order to succeed. And I think this is what really, really makes it unique. We can see the results. A lot of Israeli companies choose to set their company in China here in this park. So I think the results are also talking better for themselves.

Xinhua Daily: In which areas, do you think that China and Israel could expand further corporations?

Niv Hanan:

I think 2020 taught us a lot. And I think what we saw there and we still think is that you need a stable strong health system.

In the sector of medical devices, in life sciences, we have a lot to cooperate. And I will give you a few examples. Because we learned last year that sometimes your are at home, lock down or you need to be quarantined or anyone, any reasons. But you still have needs, you still need to see a doctor, because you are pregnant because you have a disease and you cannot go out because it's a pandemic or even it's a bad weather.

I think some of the services today, we have our smartphones in the pocket. We can get good and quality health service through our cell phone and through our simple devices that we can bring and have in every home.

So I think this is the main thing that life sciences, we have a lot of innovative companies in Israel. And I see the Chinese market also is a good opportunity to scale for those companies. So this is the first one.

The second one is when we talk about also 2020 taught us another thing is, every country had to have it's own food safety. So we talk about food safety, we're talking about growing. You cannot grow everything by your own, but you can make it more efficient, you can make it more. And I think advanced technologies for agriculture, for managing well water supply. This can be another great opportunity between Israel and China.

Xinhua Daily: What is your impression about this park and impression about Changzhou?

Niv Hanan

It's a perfect day, it's a perfect weather and the sky is blue. I got a really warm welcome here. I think my impression is just, I'm overwhelmed to see this kind of park so far, from Israel. And so welcoming and so admire,and wants to be part, and to cooperate with the Israeli company. I think it's just amazing. I don't have any other word to describe it.

Wish from Niv Hanan

Hello, everyone.

Welcome you to come to CICP here in Changzhou to explore for many opportunities between Israeli companies and Chinese companies.