Visit of Jehuda Hadad to China-Israel Ch···
Time of issue:2020-10-26 00:00:00

From December 16 to 17, Jehuda Hadad, Dean of Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE), and his team members paid a visit to the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park for further cooperation and communication on talents and technologies between SCE and Jiangsu universities as well as companies. They were warmly welcomed by Jiang Juncheng, President of Changzhou University, and Wang Jianhua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu University of Technology, respectively. Shi Xuyong, member of the District Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Wujin National High-tech Zone and Vice Director of WNHZMC, and Li Lei, Vice Director of WNHZMC, also participated in this activity.


On the morning of December 16, Jehuda Hadad’s team started their journey with the Israel Center in the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park (CIP). This center could fully display the development history of the CIP, latest Israeli technologies and China-Israel cooperation achievements using the latest multimedia technology. The CIP is the first innovation demonstration park established in China through an agreement signed by Chinese and Israeli governments. Jehuda learned details about the Park’s development, project progress and other respects, felt pleased with the innovative cooperation model of the Park and hoped that more Israeli universities and companies would come to China to seek for development opportunities in the future.


After that, they visited the innovation platforms - Googol Tech and Alibaba, which allowed them to have a thorough understanding in operation mode and achievements of the innovation incubators in the Park. Jehuda said that the companies in the incubation stage would have more opportunities to discuss and cooperate in technological projects with SCE.


On the afternoon of that day, Jehuda’s team came to Jiangsu University of Technology where they met and talked with Party Secretary Wang Jianhua. The two parties reached a preliminary cooperation intention on student exchange, course design and exchange, and R&D projects, and would further negotiate the details and strive to sign the cooperation memorandum as soon as possible.

On the morning of December 17, Jehuda paid a visit to Leading Ideal’s manufacturing base and Star Charge and gave his affirmation to corporate internationalization. He recommended that the companies in urgent desire of introducing overseas top technicians should introduce such talents from Israel and customize a technological development plan to seek for cooperation.


At Changzhou University, Jehuda met and talked with President Jiang Juncheng. The two parties reached a preliminary cooperation intention on summer camps, short- and medium-term student exchange programs, and other respects, and intended to promote such cooperation and reach an agreement as soon as possible.

On the afternoon of that day, Jehuda and his team members paid a visit to Jiangsu China-Israel Industrial Technology Research Institute. As a pilot base for Jiangsu’s reformed science and technology systems, this institute has taken a series of reform measures by aggregating global innovation resources and organizing forward-looking technology researches so as to promote industrial upgrading and occupy a favorable position having access to global resources. Jehuda spoke highly of the provincial innovation achievements displayed in the exhibition hall, and said that SCE would helped with precise docking of Israeli high-quality technological innovation resources with more companies in Jiangsu and that both parties would bring together innovation elements, create innovation culture, produce innovation achievements and explore the best model for China-Israel cooperation.


During this journey, Jehuda had an in-depth exchange with Shi Xuyong, member of the District Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Wujin National High-tech Zone and Vice Director of WNHZMC. He was very pleased to see the phased objectives for the CIP come true and hoped that the future would be filled with more cooperation opportunities to promote mutual exchange of technologies and talents.


Shi Xuyong said that they would spare no pains to solidly promote the cooperation between the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park and Israel in different aspects in accordance with the national, provincial, municipal and district deployment requirements.


This year has seen new achievements in the construction of the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park. With the development concept of industry-university-research cooperation, great focus has been put on creating two innovation platforms: Jiangsu Innovation Center in Tel Aviv and China-Israel Industrial Technology Research Institute in Jiangsu. The Park keeps pushing forward the CIP Initiative regarding declaration of Israeli high-tech projects, resulting in 20 additionally declared, 8 additionally reviewed and approved and 4 additionally signed projects in the CIP this year. Up to 90 Israeli WOFEs and cooperative enterprises are currently operating in the CIP where 24 China-Israel cooperation projects are located. At the same time, cooperation platforms for innovation incubation, scientific and technological exchange and technology transfer are being constructed and the professional service system is being upgraded in a faster pace.