Third China-Israel Innovation and Entrep···
Time of issue:2020-10-26 00:00:00

On December 3, the third China-Israel Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition - Life Science Final (hereinafter referred to as “the IE Competition”), hosted by China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC) and Israel Innovation Agency and organized by the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park, was held in Changzhou. Deputy Director of CSTEC Wu Cheng, Chairman of Israel Innovation Agency Ami Abelbaum, and other Chinese and foreign leaders attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.



 This IE Competition aims to effectively promote innovation cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and Israeli companies, and create a better government-led environment and platform for China-Israel innovation cooperation. A total of 18 Israeli companies engaged in life science, intelligent technology and clean technology stood out in the IE Competition and attended the conference where 7 of them working on life science underwent a fierce competition in the final. Eventually, Beta-O2 Technologies, Carevature Medical and Betalin Therapeutics won first, second and third prizes respectively upon road show and questioning by the evaluation panel.

The conference also provided an opportunity for China-Israel B2B talks. Partial statistics upon the conference indicated that more than 400 representatives of Chinese companies, investment institutions and research institutes attended the conference which had witnessed more than 300 commercial talks on that day, nearly 100 of which resulted in preliminary cooperation intention, and many entities would have in-depth communication on specific cooperation details. In a word, this activity is a great success and highly recognized by CSTEC and Israel Innovation Agency.